Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem
I am very glad to know that IES Uchcha Madyamic Bidyalaya(IESUMB) has launched its down website. I would like to thank all concerned for their extreme efforts to make this possible.IES Uchcha Madyamic Bidyalaya is going to be a model of excellence. We want to share our activities with the learners, parents or guardians and people of home and abroad through this website.
IES Uchcha Madyamic Bidyalaya bears a testimony to the mission and visionof the demand of new era. It has been a milestone for measuring academic and co-curricular activities in a positive sense of responsibility to the society.This institution has been preparing their students with knowledge, skills, ethical values, social norms and physical activity to meet the demand of the age.
I hope that IES Uchcha Madyamic Bidyalaya will be able to continue enlightening the students to assume leadership roles, become concerned and dedicated ideal citizens who will be able to make a new history in the world. Hopefully we will ensure that most of the essential and important information will be posted and updated.
May the Almighty give us a hand to perform our duties and responsibilities as a dedicated professional with professionalismto reach the desired goal as it is said “Hope is the heartbeat of the soul.”...Michelle Horst
(Professor Dr. M. Korban Ali)
Governing Body(GB)
IES UchchaMadyamicBidyalaya,
Uttara, Dhaka-1230
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